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Collection: Garden Swings

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  • Cavan Climbing Frame
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  • Carlow- Swing Set
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Wooden Garden Swings

The oldies are the besties. Garden swings and slides have been around since forever, but if you look in any playground its always the thing that kids run to first. As simple as they are your kids will get endless hours of fun with a simple garden swing set.

Kids Garden Swings FAQ:

Which is better swing or rocker?

Swings tend to do the best job comforting most little ones. ... Rockers can be a nice middle ground between swings and bouncers. They're often mid-sized, come in manual or motorized options, and are fairly easy to move around.

Are rocking swings good for babies?

The American Academy Pediatrics (AAP) advises against letting your baby fall asleep in any infant seating device like bouncy chairs, swings, and other carriers. There is a risk in allowing your baby to sleep anywhere but on a flat, firm surface, on their backs, for their first year of life.

What age can a child use a swing?

Outdoor baby swings are intended for children between six months to four years of age. Doctors recommend that once your baby can sit up and has stable control of their head, your baby can gently use an outdoor baby or toddler swing.

Do kids use monkey bars?

Children ages 5 and up should be able to climb with little guidance. Ages 3 and 4 do not have as well developed gross motor skills and may need more help. If they cannot reach the bar then hold them up to the bar. After age 5, kids should be able to independently climb up the ladder and grab the monkey bar.